Miami Pro Fishing Challenge Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow Room Zoom Aura: Fate of the Ages. The INI means your INI Folder DON'T PLACE INI FOLDER INTO INI FOLDER THAT HAS NO SENCE, JUST ONE INI FOLDER WITHIN ALL THE INI FILES. The Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle-earth The Political Machine The Saga of Ryzom. you will find two lines in the document that says "USEFPSLIMIT=YES" and "FPSLIMIT=30" DELETE THOSE LINES!!!! after doing that make sure there is no empty lines between the different texts into the file, SAVE ALL YOUR CHANGES INTO THE FILE AND EXIT.Ĥ) go to your BFMEII Directory and cut the INI.BIG file and put it in place that has nothing to do with the game, for exmpale d:\stuff.ĥ)After removing the INI.BIG file, cut the INI Folder that you extracted in step 2 and put it in your BFMEII\DATA Directory for exmpale c:\programm files\ Electronic Arts\ Lord Of The Rings The Battle For Middle Earth 2\DATA\INI. To anyone that plays BFMEII o'm sure that the 30 FPS lock that EA Games put gave you hard time, it was annoying well NO MORE!!! i found a way to get rid of that, follow the insturctions:ġ)Download patch 1.03 or 1.04( or and apply the patch.Ģ)Download the B4ME2 INI 1.03\4 Files extract them to whenever you want.ģ)in those files that u extraced search for gamedata.ini double click on it to open, once you opened it press CTRL+F to search words within the file, then write FPS and press ENTER.