The less room in a recording the better the results will be when you use a IR reverb. The charactaristics of a room can be applied to any sound source this way. like the name suggests, an impulse, like a loud clap or a starters pistol, triggers a decay. A IR reverb uses the actual reverb of a room. IR / Convolution reverb A common practise in sound design is applying an Impulse respondse (IR) Reverb to a recording. Its better to add things later than not being able to remove things later. Once you have the perfect recording you can treat the audio with any reverb, effect processor or VST you come up with. A deadroom or treated room, ensure a clean recording with as little 'room' or 'echo' as possible. In Short: If you dont have a treated room your audio quality gets comprimised by the reflections of soundwaves on hard surfaces in your room.

While a recording session with live played instruments might involve one or multiple 'room' mic's to enhence the sound, some recordings need to be as small and 'dead' as possible.