
Fallout new vegas console commands speed
Fallout new vegas console commands speed

fallout new vegas console commands speed

In order to use the setscale command, you have to be on PC. 3 style platforming action by making your own levels, especially with the new Wasteland Workshop traps. You could even replicate Super Mario Bros. This feature has so much potential-you can zap the entire town of Diamond City and make them ultra tiny, or play the game as a mini-mouse hero. This means you'll actually see through the eyes of a hulking city-smashing, Godzilla-sized monster, or run around like a shrunken casualty from Honey I Shrunk the Kids.

fallout new vegas console commands speed

The best part about using the "setscale" command on yourself is that your HUD scales with your size. That's right, you can shrink and even gigantify yourself. Conversely, you can also blow things up to epic giant-sized proportions, including NPCs, enemies, and even yourself. Want your very own collection of cute robots? Zap 'em down to scale! Tired of Preston Garvey bothering you every two seconds? Make him into a miniature and you won't even see him. Now you can experience the glee in making anything-or anyone-the size of a toy.

fallout new vegas console commands speed

Fallout 4's "setscale" console command arms you with your very own shrinking ray.

Fallout new vegas console commands speed